Metals and Non-Metals : Chemical properties of Non – Metals


Chemical properties of Non-metals

Reaction of non-metals with oxygen: Non-metals form respective oxide when react with oxygen.

Non-metal + Oxygen ⇨ Non-metal oxide

When carbon reacts with oxygen, carbon dioxide is formed along with production of heat.

C + O2 ⇨ CO2 + Heat

When carbon is burnt in insufficient supply of air, it forms carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a toxic substance. Inhaling of carbon monoxide may prove fatal.

2C + O2 ⇨ 2CO + Heat

Sulphur gives sulphur dioxide when react with oxygen. Sulphur caught fire when exposed to air.

S + O2 ⇨ SO2

When hydrogen reacts with oxygen it gives water.

2H2 + O2 ⇨ 2H2O


Non-metal oxide:

Non-metal oxides are acidic in nature. Solution of non-metal oxides turns blue litmus red.

Carbon dioxide gives carbonic acid when dissolved in water.

CO2 + H2O ⇨ H2CO3

Sulphur dioxide gives sulphurous acid when dissolved in water.

SO2 + H2O ⇨ H2SO3

Sulphur dioxide gives sulphur trioxide when it reacts with oxygen.

2SO2 + O2 ⇨ 2SO3

Sulphur trioxide gives sulphuric acid when dissolved in water.

SO3 + H2O ⇨ H2SO4


Reaction of non-metal with chlorine:

Non metals give respective chloride when they react with chlorine gas.

Non-metal + Chlorine ⇨ Non-metal chloride

Hydrogen gives hydrogen chloride and phosphorous gives phosphorous trichloride when react with chlorine.

H2 + Cl2 ⇨ 2HCl

P4 + 6Cl2 ⇨ 4PCl3

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