Nitrogen Family : Physical Properties


Physical properties

(1)    Physical state : Nitrogen– (gas), phosphorus – (solid) (vaporises easily), As, Sb, Bi–solids.

Note  :     Nitrogen  is  the  most  abundant  gas  in  the  atmosphere.  It constitutes   about   78%   by   volume   of   the   atmosphere. Phosphorus is the most reactive element in this group and its yellow form is always kept under water.

(2)    Atomic radii : Atomic radii increases with atomic number down the group i.e., from N to Bi due to addition of extra principal shell in each succeding elements.

(3)    Ionisation energy  :  The  ionisation  values  of  the  elements  of this group decreases down the group due to gradual increases in atomic size.

(4)    Electronegativity : Generally the elements of nitrogen family have high   value   of   electronegativity.   This   value   shows   a decreasing  trend  in  moving  down  the  group  from  nitrogen  to bismuth.

(5)    Non-metallic    and    metallic    character    :    Nitrogen    and phosphorus are non-metals, arsenic and antimony are metalloids (semi-metal) and bismuth a typical metal.

(6)     Molecular state : Nitrogen readily forms triple bond (two pπpπ  bonds)  and  exists  as  discrete  diatomic  gaseous  molecule (N ≡ N) at room temperature. Phosphorus, arsenic and antimony exist  in  the  form  of  discrete  tetra  atomic  molecules  such  as P4, As4 Sbbonds. In which the atoms are linked to each other by single

(7)    Melting  and  boiling  points  :  The melting  points  and  boiling points of group 15 elements do not show a regular trend.

Note  : first increases from N to As and then decreases from As to Bi. Boiling point first increases from N to Sb. Boiling point of Bi is less than Sb.

(8)    Allotropy : All the members of group 15 except Bi exhibit the phenomenon of allotropy.

(i) Nitrogen exists in two solid and one gaseous allotropic forms.

(ii) Phosphorus exists in several allotropic forms such as white, red, scarlet, violet and black form.

(a)     White or yellow phosphorus : White phosphorus is prepared from rock phosphate Ca3(PO4 )2 SiOand coke which are electrically heated in a furnace.

2Ca3 + (PO4)2 + 6SiO2  \underrightarrow { \quad \Delta \quad } 6CaSiO + P4O10.

P4O10 + 10C  \underrightarrow { \quad \Delta \quad } P4 + 10CO

When exposed to light, it acquires a yellow colour.

(b)     Red  phosphorus  :  It  is  obtained  by  heating  yellow  phosphorus, between  240  –250oC  in  the  presence  of  an  inert  gas.  Yellow phosphorus  can  be  separated  from  red  phosphorus  by  reaction with  NaOH  (aq)  or  KOH  (aq)  when  the  former  reacts  and  the latter remains unreacted.

(iii)   Arsenic exists in three allotropic forms namely grey, yellow and black.  Antimony also exists in three forms, viz., metallic, yellow and explosive.


(9)    Oxidation  state  :  The  members  of  the  group  15  exhibit  a number of positive and negative oxidation states.

(i)     Positive oxidation states :  The electronic configuration (ns2 np3) for the valence shell of these elements shows that these elements can have +3 and +5 oxidation states. In moving down this group, the stability of +3 oxidation state increases.   It may be pointed out here that nitrogen does not exhibit an oxidation state of +5, because  it  fails  to  expand  its  octet  due  to  nonavailability  of vacant d-orbitals.

(ii)    Negative  oxidation  states  :  For  example  oxidation  state  of nitrogen is –3. The tendency of the elements to show –3 oxidation state decreases on moving down the group from N to Bi.


(10)  Catenation (self linkage) : Elements of group 15 also show some tendency to exhibit catenation. This tendency goes on decreasing in moving down the group due to gradual decrease in their bond (M–M) energies.

Note  :    

  • Out  of  the  various  allotropic  forms  of  phosphorus,  black phosphorus  is  a  good  conductor  of  electricity  (similarity with graphite). 
  • Proteins, the building blocks of our body contain 16% of nitrogen in them. 
  • Radioactive phosphorus (P32 )  is used in the treatment of leukemia (blood cancer).
  • The disease caused by the constant touch with white phosphorus is called Phossy Jaw.


Nitrogen Family : Anamalous behaviour of Nitrogen