s-Block Elements : SODIUM OXIDE



(1)     When sodium nitrite is heated with sodium it forms sodium oxide and nitrogen.

                                                           2NaNO2 + 6Na → 4Na2O + N2

(2)     When sodium nitride and sodium nitrate are heated we get sodium oxide and N2 

                                                           3Na3N + NaNO3 → 2Na2O + 5N2

(3)     Sodium oxide is obtained by heating sodium and oxygen.

                                                          4Na + O2 → 2 Na2O


(1)     It is white greyish amorphous powder

(2)     Sodium oxide disproportionates at 400ºC to sodium peroxide and sodium.

                                                           2Na2O\underrightarrow { \quad \quad 40{ 0 }^{ 0 }C\quad }        Na2O2 + 2Na

(3)     It reacts with ammonia to form sodamide and sodium hydroxide.

                                                           Na2O + NH3 → NaOH + NaNH2

(4)     Na2O + H2O → 2NaOH (Violent reaction)




When sodium is allowed to react with oxygen it forms sodium peroxide

                    2Na + O2 (from air, free from CO2) \underrightarrow { \quad \quad 620\quad K\quad }       Na2O2


Properties of Na2O2:

(1)     It is a yellow powder.

(2)     In cold condition it reacts with water to liberate hydrogen peroxide.

                              Na2O2 + 2H2O (cold) → 2NaOH + H2O2

(3)     In hot condition it reacts with water to liberate oxygen.

                              2Na2O2 + 2H2O (Hot) → 4NaOH + O2

(4)     Being a basic oxide it reacts with acids and acidic oxides to form salt

                              Na2 O2 + → 2NaCl + H2O2

(A)    Sodium peroxide reacts with carbon monoxide to form Na2CO3

                              Na2O2 + CO → Na2CO3

(B)    Carbon dioxide is an acidic oxide and thus reacts with Na2O2 which is basic

                              2Na2O2 + 2CO2 → 2 Na2 CO3 + O2

(C)    It reacts with the acidic SO2 to form the salt Na2SO4             

                              Na2O2 + SO2 → Na2 SO4

(5)     Sodium peroxide oxidise the sulphur in FeS to FeSO4

                              FeS + 4Na2O2 + 4H2O → FeSO4 + 8 NaOH

(6)     It oxidises Cr in Cr (OH)3 to sodium chromate.

                              2Cr (OH)3 + 3Na2O2 → 2Na2CrO4 + 2NaOH + 2H2O

                                                           (Sodium chromate)

(7)     It oxidises Mn2+ to MnO42–

                              2Mn(OH)2 + 4Na2O2 → 2Na2MnO4 + 4NaOH

                                                           (Sodium manganate)



(1)     Soda lime process, causticisation process or Gossage process

                              Na2CO3 + Ca (OH)2 \underrightarrow { \quad \quad 80-9{ 0 }^{ 0 }C\quad }    2NaOH + CaCO3

(2)     Castner kellner proces – Electrolytic process

                                      Electrolyte → Brine (NaCl Solution in water)

                                      Anode → Graphite

Cathode → Iron rods and Mercury acts as intermediate cathode by induction.


                                                NaCl → Na+ + Cl 

                   At anode –        Cl → Cl + e

                                                Cl + Cl → Cl2    

                   At cathode       – Na+ + e + Hg → Na – Hg

                                                2Na – Hg + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2 + 2Hg

                                                 (Sodium amalgam)

Properties of NaOH:

(1)     White hygroscopic solid

(2)     Sodium hydroxide decomposes on heating to form sodium, hydrogen and oxygen.

                    2NaOH \underrightarrow { \quad \quad 130{ 0 }^{ 0 }C\quad }     2Na + H2 + O2

(3)     It reacts with acids to form salt and water

                   (A)    NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O

                   (B)    2NaOH + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2H2O

(4)     It reacts with acidic oxides to form salt and water.                 

                   (A)    2NaOH + CO2 → Na2 CO3 + H2O

                                                (Sodium carbonate)

                   (B)    2NaOH + SO2 → Na2SO3 + H2O

                                                (Sodium sulphates)

                    (C)    2NaOH + SiO2 → Na2SiO3 + H2O

(5)     Metals like Zn, Al, Sn, Pb etc. displace hydrogen from sodium hydroxide. Even silicon displaces from NaOH.    

                    (A)    Zn + 2NaOH → Na2ZnO2 + H2 

                                                (Sodium zincate)

                   (B)    2Al + 2 NaOH + 2H2O → 2Na AlO2 + 3H2    

                                                (Sodium meta-aluminate)

                   (C)    2 Al + 6NaOH → 2Na3AlO3 + 3H2

                                                (Sodium aluminate)

                   (D)    Si + 2NaOH + H2O → Na2SiO3 + 2H2

                             (Sodium silicate)

(6)     Non metals like P, S, Cl2, Br2 disproportionate in sodium hydroxide.

                   (A)    4S + 6NaOH → 2Na2S + Na2S2O3 + 3H2O

                                      (Sodium thiosulphate)                                              

                   (B)    4P + 3NaOH + 3H2O → 3NaH2PO2 + PH3  

                                      (Sodium hypophosphite)

                   (C)    Cl2 + 2NaOH (cold and dilute) → NaCl + NaClO + H2O

                                      (Sodium hypo chloride)

(D)    3Cl2 + 6NaOH (hot and conc.) → 5 NaCl + NaClO3 + 3H2O

                                      (Sodium chlorate)

(7)     It precipitates Fe3+, Cu2+, Cd2+ etc as metal hydroxides.

                   (A)    FeCl3 + 3NaOH → Fe (OH)3 ↓ + 3NaCl


                   (B)    CuSO4 + 2NaOH → Cu (OH)2 ↓+ Na2SO4  


                   (C)    CdCl2 + 2NaOH → Cd (OH)2 ↓ + 2NaCl

(8)     Metallic salts of Al3+ and Zn2+ are precipitated as Al(OH)3 and Zn(OH)2 but in excess of NaOH these precipitation dissolve to form aluminates and zincates respectively.

                   (A)    AlCl3 + 3NaOH → Al(OH)3 ¯+ 3NaCl

                             Al (OH)3 + NaOH → NaAlO2 + 2H2O

                   (B)    Zn SO4 + 2NaOH → Zn (OH)2 + Na2SO4

                             Zn(OH)2 + 2NaOH → Na2ZnO2 + H2O

(9)     Sodium hydroxide on heating with silver nitrate form Ag2O

                              2AgNO3 + 2NaOH → 2NaNO3 + H2O + Ag2O

(10)   Sodium hydroxide reacts with mercurous and mercuric nitrate to form Hg2O and HgO respectively.

                             Hg2(NO3)2 + 2NaOH → 2NaNO3 + H2O + Hg2O

                             Hg(NO3)2 + 2NaOH → 2NaNO3 + H2O + HgO